
Stupid Shell Tricks

Find all the ip addresses that hit a certain page

Assuming you are checking an standard Apache-style access log, this is what you would do:

$ grep "GET /admin" access_log | perl -e 'for(<>){($ip)=split;$l{$ip}++;}for(keys %l){print "$_: $l{$_}\n"}' | more

Check locale is OK

perl -mLocale -e ''

Rename a bunch of files

ls -1 *find_string*|while read file
> do
> target=$(echo $file | sed -e "s/find_string/replace/")
> mv "$file" "$target"
> done

Install App::Ack via cpan and enjoy the awesome ‘ack’ utility for grepping source files :) Or, install the ruby gem ‘rak’…

$ sudo gem install rak

$ rak "some code"
$ rak "some code" --js  # only js files!

Make an application shut up

$ /usr/bin/app > /dev/null 2>&1

See what commands you are using most often:

$ hash

See the full command-line for a given PID:

$ cat /proc/18295/cmdline | tr '\0' ' ' ; echo

Pick a random line from a file:

$ perl -e 'srand; rand($.) < 1 && ($line = $_) while <>; print $line;' filename.txt