
Debian Rails setup

This rough guide is based on the process taken to set up Rails hosting at Linode several times. The basic setup:

The guide uses some generics for things:

Set up DNS etc

Make sure DNS is working, so goes to

Add mybox and it’s IP address to your local /etc/hosts file for easy access: mybox

Start Server

Login to Linode, create server, boot, login as root.

$ ssh root@mybox

Install Base Packages

Check /etc/apt/source.list and make sure Debian will use your preferred sources.

First, update all base packages:

# aptitude update
# aptitude dist-upgrade

Now install the rest. This selection of packages will provide everything needed for this guide:

# aptitude install autoconf build-essential git-core module-assistant subversion vim vim-scripts dnsutils lsof htop rcconf tofrodos zip unzip openssh-client openssh-server openssh-blacklist-extra iftop libgcrypt11-dev libmysqlclient15-dev libpcre3-dev libreadline5-dev libssl-dev mysql-client-5.0 mysql-server-5.0 locales libcurl4-openssl-dev libmagick++9-dev imagemagick wget sudo rsync munin munin-node ntp

Note: You will be asked to pick a root password for mysql-server. Write it down!


Set the hostname of the machine. Edit /etc/hostname and put in your server’s short name (“mybox or whatever”). Then run the script:

# /etc/init.d/

Edit /etc/hosts and put in the short name and FQDN: mybox localhost  # whatever the primary public dns name is

Set the locale. Pick en-US to install and make it the default.

# dpkg-reconfigure locales

Set the timezone. Run this and choose None of the above and finally UTC:

# dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Create users

create your user account

# adduser jeremy
# adduser jeremy staff
# adduser jeremy www-data

create an account for your deploy user

# adduser deployer
# adduser deployer www-data

The deploy user will need some commands for setup and deploying Rails stuff. run sudo visudo to edit /etc/sudoers as root and, add:

jeremy    ALL=(ALL) ALL # developer
Cmnd_Alias RAILS_DEPLOY=/bin/cp, /bin/mv, /bin/ln, /bin/mkdir, /bin/chown, /bin/chmod, /bin/chgrp, /bin/rm, /etc/init.d/nginx

# Also handy:

Defaults env_keep="EDITOR"  # let me keep my damn editor
Defaults: jeremy timestamp_timout=60  # cache password for 60m

Create a local tmp directory for the deploy user:

$ sudo su - deployer 
deployer@mybox $ mkdir tmp

Connect and setup SSH Keys

Copy your SSH public key to the new box, and test to make sure you can log in:

$ ssh-copy-id jeremy@mybox
$ ssh jeremy@mybox uname -a

$ ssh-copy-id deployer@mybox
$ ssh deployer@mybox uname -a

Now set up your shell kit :)

Ruby, Rails and MySQL

Ruby Enterprise Edition

Get Ruby Enterprise edition at

$ cd /usr/local/src
$ wget

Expand, install. When it asks for the installation directory, accept the default path. Helpfully, it will also install rubygems, rake and some other things for you.

$ tar -xvf ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.02.tar.gz
$ cd ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.02
$ sudo ./installer

Then link the latest install to /opt/ruby-enterprise:

$ sudo ln -s ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.02 ruby-enterprise

Add the REE bin path to your environment, add this line to .bashrc (for you, the deploy user, and for root):


For running system gem installs, link the gem executable so it’s in the sudo path:

$ sudo ln -s /opt/ruby-enterprise/bin/gem /usr/local/bin/gem

And do the same for the passenger utils:

$ sudo ln -s /opt/ruby-enterprise/bin/passenger* /usr/local/bin

Install system-wide gems:


$ sudo gem install bundler

MySQL gem:

$ sudo gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/bin/mysql_config

Install rmagick:

$ sudo gem install rmagick -v 2.12.2


Create a .my.cnf config file for your account:

$ touch ~/.my.cnf

Edit it and add the MySQL root user info so you can manage databases easily:


Install nginx/passenger

Passenger will install nginx automatically (choose option 1, download, compile, install):

$ sudo /opt/ruby-enterprise/bin/passenger-install-nginx-module

Create an nginx startup script in /etc/init.d/nginx :

# Nginx init script

case "$1" in
        echo "Starting nginx..."
        echo "."
        echo "Shutting down nginx"
        kill -TERM $PID
        echo "."
        echo "Restarting nginx..."
        $0 stop
        echo "sleeping 10 seconds..."
        sleep 10
        $0 start
  		echo "Reloading nginx configuration..."
  		kill -HUP $PID
		echo "Reopening log files..."
		kill -USR1 $PID
  		echo "Nginx config test..."
  		$NGINX -t
	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|logs|conftest)"
    exit 1

exit 0

And make it executable:

$ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/nginx

And make it start automatically on boot:

$ sudo update-rc.d nginx defaults

Create the app db

Create the MySQL database and user needed by your app:

$ mysql

mysql> create database myapp_production;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> grant all on myapp_production.* to myapp@localhost identified by 'xxxxxxxxxxx';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> exit

Then, edit the deploy user’s ~/.my.cnf to give them access.


Setup Rails Deploy

Log in to the box as the deploy user:

$ ssh deployer@mybox 

Verify the host keys for GitHub. Type yes when asked:

deployer@mybox:-$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
You've successfully authenticated ...
... Connection to closed.

deployer@mybox:-$ exit

Using your dev account, set up the rails app directory:

$ sudo mkdir -p /sites/
$ sudo chgrp www-data /sites/
$ sudo chmod 2775 /sites/

From your local working copy of the app, try to run the Capistrano setup task and check the results. Both should work without errors. If there are problems, you should see them in this step and be able to fix them.

$ cap deploy:setup
$ cap deploy:check

On the server, add a directory shared/config for putting config files:

$ cd /sites/
$ sudo mkdir shared/config
$ sudo chgrp www-data shared/config
$ sudo chmod 2775 shared/*

Make a database.yml file in shared/config/database.yml, which should get copied into place after each deploy:

  adapter: mysql
  encoding: utf8
  host: localhost
  database: myapp_production
  username: myapp
  password: xxxxxxxxxx	

Nginx configuration

Create an nginx config files and check into your git repo (in config/server/nginx.conf for example). Here’s a sample:

	server {

		root		/sites/;

		passenger_enabled on;
		passenger_use_global_queue on;
		rails_env production;

		access_log 	/sites/ main;

		# allow big uploads
		client_max_body_size 20M;

		error_page 500 502 503 504  /500.html;

		if (-f $document_root/system/maintenance.html) {
		    rewrite ^(.*)$ /system/maintenance.html break;
		if (-f $request_filename.html) {
		  rewrite (.*) $1.html break;

	# redirect bare url to www:
	server {
		rewrite ^(.*);

Edit /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf to adjust some things:

	worker_processes  4;
	error_log  logs/error.log;
	# uncomment: 
	log_format main ...
	tcp_nopush on;
	tcp_nodelay off;
	gzip  on;
    gzip_comp_level  2;
    gzip_min_length  1100;
    gzip_buffers     16 8k; 
    gzip_proxied     any;
    gzip_types       text/plain text/css application/x-javascript text/xml
                application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;

	server {
		server_name:; # this is your default site

At the end of the nginx.conf file, be sure to include you rails app config(s):

	include '/sites/';	


Make sure your deploy script is set up for the new server:

Try deploying:

$ cap deploy

If everything works ok, then congrats :)


Wait, there’s still a number of things related to security and upkeep to install!

Security Stuff

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Restrict ssh logins to certain users only.

PermitRootLogin no
AllowUsers jeremy deployer

Restart ssh:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart

Install fail2ban and denyhosts, to help keep the script-kiddies away.

$ sudo aptitude install fail2ban denyhosts

Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and enable basic protection settings by reading the comments. More details and suggestions are here.

Set Up Mail

See my notes about installing Postfix as a sending-only relay mailserver.


I like Epylog, which will send you an email every day summarizing any user logins and unusual activity from the logs. Edit the config file in /etc/epylog/epylog.conf, and customize which messages are weeded out in /etc/epylog/

$ sudo aptitude install epylog


NTP is essential for keeping the server time correct. Just install, nothing to configure really:

$ sudo aptitude install ntp
$ sudo /etc/init.d/ntp start	

To check if NTP is connected to any servers, run:

$ ntpq -c peers localhost


logrotate is handy for keeping the web logs from ballooning:

$ sudo aptitude install logrotate

Create /etc/logrotate.d/nginx and add this:

/sites/*/shared/log/*log {
		test ! -f /var/run/ || kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/`

Test that it will work ok (no changes, just verification):

$ sudo logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.conf

/etc with git

I like to put /etc under version control with git. Just in case I need to review a change, or roll back something. It’s not a true security measure (no checksums etc) but its helpful. Sudo is required to do checkins.

$ cd /etc
$ sudo git init
$ sudo git add .
$ sudo git commit -am 'first checkin, new server installed'


For backups, you probably want to take database snapshots, and make a copy of all user-uploaded files. These will be moved to another server for safekeeping. You may also want to back up config files.

For the database snapshots, a mysql backup script and cron job to run it every night works well. For example, I use this one, which will make a dated dumpfile of each database and put them in a common directory on the web server, while removing the old ones.

On a separate backup server, set up SSH keys and a cron job to rsync files/db dumps from the web server. You might also consider using Amazon S3 for your off-site backups and pushing files to a bucket. Sensitive data always needs to be encrypted.